Please take a moment to notice DKT’s new approach to condom advertising in Ethiopia with Sensation Condoms.

Sensation Condoms Ad From DKT Ethiopia!
September 26, 2013
Family Planning Conference 2013
November 12-15, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Please take a moment to notice DKT’s new approach to condom advertising in Ethiopia with Sensation Condoms.
Ethiopian National Steering Committee:
Federal Ministry of Health, Addis Ababa University Center for Population Studies, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Consortium of Christian Relief and Development Association, The Consortium of Reproductive Health Associations, the David & Lucile Packard Foundation, EngenderHealth, Family Guidance Association, Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Federal Ministry of Finance and Economic Development, FHI 360, Integrated Family Health Program, Ipas, Marie Stopes International, Ministry of Women's, Children and Youth Affairs, National AIDS Resource Center, Public Health Association, UK Department for International Development, United States Agency for International Development, United Nations Population Fund, Word Health OrganizationInternational Steering Committee:
Abt Associates, Advance Family Planning, African Institute for Development Policy, African Population and Health Research Center, The Aspen Institute, AWLN, Bill and Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health, Center for Communication Programs, Concern Worldwide US, Inc., DKT International, DSW, EngenderHealth, FHI 360, Futures Group, Futures Institute, Global Health Strategies, Guttmacher, Ibis Reproductive Health, IBP Consortium, ICF International, International Center for Research on Women, International Council on Management of Population Programmes, IntraHealth, Institute for Reproductive Health/Georgetown University, IPAS, Jhpiego, John Snow International, Management Sciences for Health, Measure Demographic and Health Surveys, MLE, Measurement, Learning & Evaluation Project, Partners in Population and Development-ARO, Pathfinder International, Population Action International, Population Council, Population Reference Bureau, PSI, UN Population Division, Union for African Population Studies (UAPS), Women Deliver, World Bank, World Health Organization© 2013 Johns Hopkins + Bill & Melinda Gates Institute · site credits